On August 30th there is a New Moon in Magha nakshatra at 12°39’ of sidereal Leo. Get ready to reset and refresh with new intentions relating to your self-confidence, individuality and creativity, but watch out for power struggles…
Moon joins Sun in Magha along with a closely conjunct Mars who has just edged into Purva Phalguni with Venus, and Mercury slightly behind at 8°39’, also in Magha. It’s a lot of concentrated energy in the sign of Leo, the natural 5th sign of the zodiac, concerned with the birthing of all new things. The combination of the New Moon energy in Leo comes together in a great creative urge to make manifest that which has so far laid dormant and formless within our minds.
Last month’s New Moon in Cancer had us feeling our way through our emotions and attachments, seeking to nurture ourselves and replenish our energy before venturing out into the world again. Now we have left our crab shell and start to take the first strides out into the hot sand of life, ready to make our mark - the added influence of Mars along with the Sun brings ambition and leadership ability, or at the least a desire to see things done in a way we perceive to be best.
But what kind of sand castles are you going to make? 🙂
Have you taken the time to survey your surroundings and pick the best spot to get going, or are you charging ahead enthused with the idea of building something - anything - as long as it gets you out of the rut you’ve been in?
Magha nakshatra, connected to the Pitris, our ancient forefathers, encourages us to take stock of what has come before to show us what works and what doesn’t; with the benefit of wisdom and experience, you can build upon a lot of background work and preparations you’ve been storing up and have a far greater success rate moving forwards. Now you know the lay of the land, you have observed the tides move in and out and seen their effects, and you can forge ahead without wasting energy.
🦁 Leo and the symbol of the lion contains within itself a lot of intelligence and perception; if we simply observe the characteristics of this beautiful animal in nature we can learn so much about this zodiac sign.
Powerful, strong, charismatic, fierce, protective and incredibly astute. Regal. But to watch them, lions spend a lot of time lying around and conserving their energy also - they are not running themselves ragged over every whim and fancy. They take what they need and don’t squander their vital life force, and that is a great take away from this August New Moon, which ties in nicely with my favourite idiom of late: work smarter, not harder!
It’s time to pick your battles and invest your time wisely. What systems in your life can you streamline, what can you do without, what can you make simpler? What can you start afresh and put your energy into that will reap greater rewards? There’s no point being elaborate, showy and needlessly excessive if your efforts are unsustainable, just as there’s little long-term benefit in cutting corners to do a mediocre job now just for the sake of speed.
Ask yourself what your motivations are behind your work. Is it popularity without substance? To be the best at all costs? Or something worthwhile and of notable importance but more magnanimous in nature? Perhaps a significant message we can take from the devastating forest fires in the Amazon and elsewhere currently, can act as a stark reminder of what too much greed at the expense of living in harmony with our environment can really cost us. Leo encourages a rise in status, but let it be for the right reasons - we should always be aiming for our actions to contribute to the solutions to society’s problems, not the causes.
Magha New Moon also offers a beautiful window to connect to our ancestors and let our mind go within to be guided by their insights from the many generations that have gone before us. This is a good time for listening to your intuition and hearing your predecessors through the wisdom they pass down to you as gut instincts and your innate sense of knowing.
You may like to honour the Pitris in a New Moon ritual, asking for their blessings with your upcoming ventures this following month and to release you from old karmas or inherited family traumas that are keeping you stuck reacting to the same emotional wounds. With Ketu being the ruling planet of Magha, there is a significance to dealing with some past karma now and not abdicating responsibility, whilst managing your emotional state and not bypassing unresolved issues.
With this August New Moon you can additionally centre yourself and find some quiet time for connecting with your own natural skills and talents, perhaps even things that you’re adding to now that were developed in a past life. Be mindful of family connections, your relationships and what you’re endorsing over the coming weeks, and how this will play out in the bigger picture of your life.
Each brick we lay in the wall of creation, each stitch we sew in our tapestry, says something about our character, our morality, our humanity and ultimately our spiritual selves. What will your legacy be? What will be the throne you sit on? 👑
Beautiful artwork by Jojoes Art ✨