1) Stand Up and Be Counted
Put your name to something. Have a voice! Apathy can not only be a symptom of laziness but also of overwhelm, which is a common occurrence when the news and social media constantly bombard us with the latest problems and suffering in the world. Unfortunately, inertia allows so much negativity to perpetuate whilst we essentially stay sleeping and don’t take action until it’s too late. If you have a song inside you, sing it. If you can be a force for good, do it. Don’t let the magnitude of troubles outside extinguish the ability for love, kindness and positive change that lies within you, even if it is a small act. As the song goes, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine...”, and it only takes a small candle to illuminate what was once darkness.
2) Give Form to the Intangible
There is a verse in the Tao Te Ching that says “How do I know the ways of all things at the beginning? I look inside myself and see what is within me.” Creativity is the name of the game this Leo New Moon, but what happens when you spend so long procrastinating that you don’t know which way is up or down and how to even go about achieving your goals? The truth is that we can waste our lives away waiting for the perfect conditions or to be struck with divine intervention and the path ahead to illuminate in magnificent technicolour - and yes this might happen - but the greater percentage of the time, nobody really knows exactly how things are going to pan out and you must stop searching out there for answers and instead start with you. Everything that has ever been created started as a small seed of potential - nurture yours and the elusive, vague and shapeless within, naturally takes on light, life and form.
3) You’re Stronger Than You Know!
It is so easy to go through life comparing ourselves to others. Who has the nicer house? Who can do this particular something better than we can? Whose opinion is the ultimate? Who is wiser, more intelligent, better looking and all round just more superior? If these kind of thoughts plague your mind, how about with this New Moon you gift yourself the intention of shining the spotlight on yourself rather than everyone else? What you have been through on your life path is valid, beautiful, painful, mysterious and above all else, imbued with the love of the Divine. Take some time to value yourself and your experiences; the ego mind loves to condemn our own efforts, but put your Soul in charge for a while and radiate in the full glory of You and the God-spark within! Strength comes naturally when we align with our true essence instead of scattering our energy by giving our power away to others and outside influences.
4) Remember Your Roots
Magha energy doesn’t shy away from attention and prominence, and whether this comes naturally to you or not, modern day living can so often spin us up in a whirlwind of concerns that we forget to not only connect within, but also neglect who we are and the purpose in our existence at all. Yes, Magha is about identity on a personal level, but bigger than that, it is about the generations that came before us living through us now in our DNA. It is the tree of life, the primordial energy, that we ultimately all originated from. It’s important for us to not get blinded by arrogance that we are somehow the latest model of humanity and therefore must be unparalleled in skills and knowledge, because that is simply egoic fantasy. Even if you do not know much about your direct family line, or you had difficult relationships with your family, Magha energy encourages us all to gain from the sagacity of the ancients - for the lives they lived, the steps they walked on this earth, the hardships they endured and the victories they celebrated. Remember and honour their lives this New Moon and feel their guidance support you.